LMS Reports
Aged report
Provides a single report with a list of the loans with categories of the number of days past due. The report should include the Name, Loan No., Month Payment, Loan Type, Loan Amount, Loan Date, Unpaid Total, Total Payment Received, Loan Balance. The report also shows a total amount for each Loan Type and is grouped by Loan Type.
Aged Report by Each Payment Missed – Detail: Provides a single report with a list of the loans with categories of the number of days past due. The report includes the Name, Loan No., Month Payment, Loan Type, Loan Amount, Loan Date, Unpaid Total, Total Payment Received, Loan Balance. The Report also shows a total amount for each Loan Type and is grouped by Loan Type.
Aged Report by Oldest Payment Missed - Summary: Provides a single report with a list of Summary Aged Report and ages the loan by the oldest payment missed. The report includes the Name, Loan No., Month Payment, Loan Date, Loan Amount, Unpaid Total, Total Payment Received, Loan Balance. The Report also shows a total amount for each Loan Type and is grouped by Loan Type.
Amortization schedule by relation
Provides a single report Amortization by Relation. Specifies a list of payment dates, with total interest and principal for a group of loans associated by using the Relation field on the Loan page. The report includes Payment No., Payment Date, Loan Amount Due, Interest Amount Due, Principal Amount Due, Charges Due, Interest on Charges. The report also shows the total amount for each batch.
Amortization schedule
Provides a single report Amortization Schedule. Specifies a list of all payment dates, interest, and principal amounts. The report includes the Payment No., Payment Date, Begin Balance, Principal Issued, Principal Amount Due, End Balance, Interest Amount Due, Charges Due, Interest Due on Charges, Total Monthly Payment.
All open payments
Provides a single report with a list of payments with an Open Status. The report includes the Loan No., Name, Reference, Paid By, Payment Amount.
Cash projection
Detailed Report: Provides a single report with a list of Cash Projection Detail which specifies a detail of each loan, payments due for selected range of dates, by loan type. The report includes the Payment Number, Due Date, Principal, Interest, Other and Total. The report also shows a total amount for each Loan number by loan type and is grouped by each Loan number by loan type.
Summary report: Provides a single report with a list of Cash Projection summaries which specifies a summary of the range of dates by loan number. The report includes the Loan, Principal, Interest, Other and Total. Report also shows a total amount for each Loan number and is grouped by loan numbers.
Customer statement
Provides a single report with a list of customer statements which specifies activity and current balances for each loan-by loan number. The report includes the Customer No, Customer Address, Type of Loan, Loan No., Amount Issued, Payment Terms, Loan Period, Interest Rate, Current Payment Due, Past Due, Total Due, Due Date, Principal, Interest, Charges, Total, Transaction Date, Principal Payment, Interest Payment, Other Payment, Payment Amount.
Interest paid/received
Detail report: Provides a single report with a list of The Interest paid/received and posted during the range of dates chosen, and a total amount by loan type and number. The report includes the Check No., Date, Reference No., Receipt #, Type. Batch/Payment No., and Amount.
Summary report: Provides a single report with a list of Interest paid/received against each loan. The report also shows a total amount by loan type and number and is grouped by loan type and number.
LMS transactions
Provides a single report that specifies all transactions by type for the selected date range. The report shows transactions by Loan in the Entered/Loan and Base currency. The report includes Loan No., Period, Receipt, Post Batch, Debit Account, Credit Account, Entered Amount, Loan Amount, Base Amount, and total amount for each Loan.
LMS batch report
Provides a single report with a list of LMS Batches posted to the General Ledger. The report includes the Batch Number, Name on the Loan, Loan Number, Receipt Number, Debit GL Account Number, Transaction Type, Credit GL Account Number, Loan Type, Date, Entered Amount, Loan Amount, Base Amount, and the total amount for each batch.
Provides a single report with a list of all Loans. The report includes Loan No., Name, Loan amount, Loan date, Int rate, Payment amount, Int pmt due, Credit type, Region, Sector, Terms Type and Terms to Maturity. The report is grouped by Loan type.
Loan loss and suspend interest
Provides a single report with a list of Loan Loss and Suspend Interest. The report includes Loan No., Borrower's Name, Principal Close Balance, Interest Close Balance, Total Owing, Non-Suspend Interest, Pre-Clear Non-Suspend Interest, % Provision, Loan Loss Provision, Net Asset, and a total Loan loss amount for all Loans.
Loan maturing
Provides a single report with a list of Loans maturing based on dates specified, including Prior Period Loans outstanding. The report includes Loan No., Name, Type, Interest Rate, Maturity Date, Loan Date. Report shows a maturity date by loan number within a specific range of the number of months until maturity.
Loan trial balance by date
Detail report: Provides a single report with detailed loan activity by date. The report includes the Check No, Date, Reference No, Payment Number/Batch Number, Type, Amount. The report also shows the total amount for each loan and is grouped by loan type and then loan number.
Summary report: Provides a single report with summary of loan activity by date. The report includes the Loan Amount and also shows the total amount for each loan, grouped by loan type.
Loan insurance expiring
Provides a single report with a list of the loan and insurance expiration dates for the range of dates selected by Loan type by Loan number.. The report includes Loan No., Name, Insurance Expiry Date.
Loan payments
Provides a single report that specifies each payment due, within the date range selected, sorted by Loan Number and Payment Number. It includes the Paid and Unpaid Amounts, as well as the Due, Paid, Unpaid, Principal, Interest, Late Interest, Interest on Interest, Escrow, Charges, Interest on charges.
Payment schedule
Provides a single report that shows the payment dates and amounts paid for each loan and payments remaining. The report includes Payment No., Payment Date, Loan Amount Due, Interest Amount Due, Principal Amount Due, Paid Interest, Paid Principal, Paid Escrow, Paid Add Principal and Charges Due.
Payment transactions
Provides a single report that specifies all transactions by type for selected dates. The report shows transactions by Loan in the Entered/Loan and Base currency. The report includes the Batch, Reference Number, Date, Total Amount, Principal, Interest. The Report also shows a total amount for each Loan and is grouped by Loan Number.
Transactions by type
Provides a single report that specifies all transactions by type for selected date range. The report shows transactions by Loan in the Entered/Loan and Base currency. The report includes the Loan No., Period, Loan Batch, Receipt #, GL Batch, Debit Account, Credit Account, Transaction Description, Date, Entered Amount, Loan Amount and Base Amount.
Unpaid payments
Provides a single report that specifies payments unpaid by loan number for Date Range selected. The report includes Payment No., Payment Due Date, Unpaid Charges, Unpaid Escrow, Unpaid Fee, Unpaid Interest, Unpaid Interest Charges, Unpaid Late Fee, Unpaid Late Interest, Unpaid Late Interest on Interest and Unpaid Principal.
Year end 1098
Provides a single report to print Year End 1098 Forms.